
To ensure economic empowerment within the communities in which we serve. To bring hope of increase and success through models of housing and business opportunities.


Chief Executive Officer

Mark C. McGuire, Sr.

Organizational Information

The St. Paul Global, now The Potter’s House – Dayton, Economic Development Corporation is a state of Ohio charted non-profit community development corporation with section 905 status. The St. Paul Economic Development Corporation is a non-profit entity, currently operating under the umbrella of the St. Paul Baptist Church of Dayton, Ohio, Inc., the non-profit tax exempt parent organization. The St. Paul Global Economic Development Corporation was formed for the purpose of improving the quality of life for low to moderate income community residents. The goal is to help people transition from dependency to self-sufficiency. St. Paul Global E.D.C. works to benefit the residents of Dayton through housing, education, and organization sponsored programs that address social and economic needs. The organization has served the community for over 24 months by providing single family housing to low to moderate income residents in the Dayton area. St. Paul Global E.D.C. empowers low-income residents by providing financial management seminars focused on getting out of debt, credit counseling, saving for the future, and home buying. The major activity of the organization is to undertake carious affordable housing activities including acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction. In addition, the organization will focus on the critical housing needs of the following groups: low to moderate income families, families with physically or mentally disabled members, independent living for senior citizens, and single person heads of households. Anticipated housing development will include transitional, senior, market rate units.

The activities will be within the City of Dayton, primarily in the inner west, northwest, and southeast priority boards. This organization will address affordable housing needs at the local level, and create partnerships among federal, state and local governments and those in the for-profit sectors, but most importantly, it will support our efforts to reduce the amount of poverty by expanding affordable housing choices in non-poverty areas.

This organization is in the acquisition stage of the housing rehabilitation and development process. The target area for development is located in west Dayton, between Third St. (north boundary line), Nicholas Rd. (south boundary line), Edwin C. Moses Blvd. (east boundary line), and Gettysburg Ave. (west boundary line). The radius of the area is approximately four mile, and is in need of economic development containing low to moderate income residents living in apartments, small ranches and bungalow type homes. Many homes in the area have been abandoned and many are on the market for sale. Transient population is quite high. In addition, located within this radius is Burkham Park, a Montgomery county Parks and Recreation owned and operated entity. St. Paul, now The Potter’s House – Dayton, envisions developing with new affordable low to moderate income housing, child care facilities for area residents, housing for displaced youth and transitional housing.